Leadership with Horses - Developing leaders and teams by working with horses
We recently had a teambuilding day out to see Jude Jennison, founder of Leaders by Nature. We had SO MUCH FUN and learnt a lot about ourselves and one another.
Before meeting the horses, we calmed ourselves with some grounding-exercises and we reflected on who we are as people. Personally, we explored our key strengths and when we get derailed or begin to struggle. As a team, we determined work obstacles, what our aims are and what we would like to achieve as a company.
The horses then approached us; they engaged with us at their own free will but seemed to approach us when we were calm and balanced. Some of our team were a little uneasy at first but we all agreed they were beautiful animals with a kind temperament.
Leading the horses was so interesting. To build confidence, trust and respect between us all, we led the horses through the assault course, over obstacles (which were representative of what we had discussed earlier on) and onto the finish line. To succeed, it required effective communication, clear direction, strong relationship and teamwork.
It was so much more than a fun day-out to us. It has been a fantastic reflective exercise and it has paved the way for the future. As a company, we connect better, we understand better and we work better together.